Household Waste Recycling

Black bag presentation areas to be reintroduced at recycling centres


People visiting Neath Port Talbot Council’s Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) from 3rd August, 2020, are being reminded they will be asked to open any bags and sort the contents for recycling if they have not already done that.

Black bag presentation areas to be reintroduced at recycling centres

The black bag presentation areas are being reintroduced following the successful reopening of the council’s HWRCs.

To save time on site when going to the HWRCs, visitors should sort their waste before arriving.

Also, please remember:

If someone in your household is affected by Coronavirus, any waste from your house will need to be handled carefully.  You need to:

• Double-bag all contaminated items
• Keep the bags for three days
• Put them out for collection or take them to the HWRC
You should also wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling any waste and recycling.

Neath Port Talbot Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Engineering, Cllr Ted Latham, said:  “I am glad to say we have now been able to re-open our recycling centres, albeit with some additional measures in place to ensure social distancing and the safety of visitors and staff at the site.

“The amended service, including bookable slots, has been working well and has been well received by people using the site.

“What we all need to remember is that when we recover from this pandemic we will still only have one planet. Recycling helps to keep valuable resources in use.

“As part of the next steps of re-opening the service, we will focus on helping our residents to ‘recycle, recycle, recycle’.  From August 3rd, 2020, anyone arriving at the site with mixed waste, or waste in black bags will be asked to separate their waste for recycling. We strongly recommend you separate your waste for recycling before you come to the site.”

News taken from NPT Council Website 09/07/2020

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